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volume 3, number 1

Volume 3, Number 1

Published in April 2017

76 pages, perfect bound, full color


Space. Absolute and infinite. Experienced or imagined. And time within. Space absorbed by an idea. We shall allow ourselves to sense the space, to be puzzled by its existence and, in this issue, to investigate the designs it can take on through the creative acts of staged interventions and intimate exercises. It’s my pleasure to invite you to enter the artist’s world in which space becomes an enduring obsession, engaging the creator in a play with dimension, scale, perception or structure. Read more

in this issue


Fortuity of Making and Print Tradition in Josip Butkovic's Practice

By Darko Glavan | In spite of the seemingly radical deviations and experiences, the artistic oeuvre of Croatian artist Josip Butkovic retains an outstanding consistency in his chosen means of expression—the print—as well as in the selection of motifs from his immediate surroundings. The three decades’ worth of printing strategies and unorthodox methodologies developed by Butkovic markedly affect the innovative approaches seen in his country’s contemporary printmaking culture. [5,459 words] Read more


21 Fragments of Yesterday and Tomorrow

By Eva Nikolova | The prints of 21 Fragments of Yesterday and Tomorrow were created using light in a cameraless, inkless printmaking process. Precarious interventions allowed pictures to come to fruition as if to restore the overused image of my native landscape, the archetypal Balkans. I traversed through eras of artistic tools and technology while exhuming buried recollections of the scenery drastically transformed. [930 words] Read more


Vincent Hloznik's Dreams

By Emily O'Leary | Among almost 250 objects from Eastern Europe, the 1962 Dreams by Slovak artist Vincent Hloznik holds a precious place in the Hebrew Home’s permanent collection. This explicit, Surrealist-style linocut series with intriguing provenance—including its creation in Communist Czechoslovakia and bypassing of the Iron Curtain for exhibition in London in 1965—portrays visual messages about warfare and humanity inspired by traumas of the 20th century. [1,134 words] Read more


For Dusan Kallay, Everything Relates to Everything Else

By Katerina Kyselica | For over forty years, the sought-after illustrator of children’s books Dusan Kallay has managed to spark the imagination of hundreds of thousands of young readers. His publishing record, which incorporates over 200 titles, includes the world’s best Alice in Wonderland, as awarded by the Lewis Carroll Society of North America. Illustrating books is not just a job for Mr. Kallay; it is more of an internal journey replete with discoveries that directly influence his prints. [2,834 words] Read more


Jan Mericka's Screen Printed Transcriptions of Human Motion

By Katerina Kyselica | Jan Mericka has developed a visual language of movement that reveals patterns emerging from screen printed layers of schematic drawings. The patterns illustrate how people behave, enveloped in a bustling crowd and acting according to unspoken rules. Through a process of simplification, the reality in Mericka’s work becomes uncertain, challenging the viewer to question the image and information it contains. [2,709 words] 


A Subconcsious Key to Ordering the World: The Artist's Book in Poland

By Dorota Folga-Januszewska | Whether in the form of painting, spatial arrangement or photography, the artist’s book has become a locus for multiple dimensions of creative expression. “Bookization” pervades contemporary art, resulting in myriad manifestations from books-objects and books-monuments to books as ideas whose existence may be autonomous or dependent on other factors. [2,921 words] Read more


Print and Space as an Enduring Challenge in Three Rooms

By Mario Causic | Space presents a challenge for me. The vastness of three-dimensional magnitudes beckons multidisciplinary interventions that explore people’s perceptions through the relationship of elements and events. To apply prints into the equation, I installed them as objects for the project Three Rooms and invited viewers to calculate. [731 words] Read more

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Celebrating Print Magazine. ISSN 2380-6613. All rights reserved at KADS New York. Reproductions in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. For Customer Services and/or reprints, send email to:

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Katerina Kyselica

Managing Editor

Tanya Silverman

Article Editor


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